Infant & Prenatal Massage

- Aromatherapy Deep Tissue Massage Certification Course
- Holistic Spa Certification
- Aroma Hot Stone Massage
- Infant & Prenatal Massage
Courses Dates – Please contact us
Stephie’s history drew her to teaching infant and prenatal massage, now over 25 years ago. She had a magical home birth, squatted and pulled her baby out. The goddess day labour was so incredibly empowering she wanted to share more. She has assisted at numerous home births.
This course focuses on natural massage, home-care and nutritional support.
Techniques with pregnancy massage focus on primary areas of concern like sciatica, hips, lower back and neck and shoulder. We also teach lymphatic drainage to release swelling in ankles and other area.
Infant massage is an amazing honour. The baby does most of the work and we take cues and offer assists. We learn about torticollis, digestive disturbances, rashes, and other common concerns.
There are 2 scheduled outreaches to Midwives. Hands on afternoon of massaging babies 6 weeks and under and another prenatal afternoon massaging mothers over 6 months. 20 clinical hours are required
Contact us today for registration forms & calendar of events.
Stephie has a steady client base as well as a solid teaching schedule but she always finds the time to promptly respond to my emails when I have any technique-based or business-related questions, to provide guidance if I am uncertain about a course of action, and to help me re-fill my stock in (sometimes desperate!) times of need. I am grateful to have such a supportive and giving teacher and for the lessons I continue to learn from Stephie. It is wonderful to know that the mentoring and friendship that developed during my studies also continues post-certification.” I mean. Every. Word. Much gratitude! Namaste, Kim E.