Detox & Weight Loss

Workshop Dates
Wed. October 11th | 5:30 pm |
Tues November 28 | 5:30 pm |
Monthly detox workshops are $90/ personal Iridology assessment alone is valued at $160
Enhance your Energy, Clarity & Immunity with a good toxic dump. Make informed choices for your health and feel better now. Be my guest at the diner table this evening and let me tempt your senses.
A wholesome focus on where your body is at and the idea nourishments for you to choose from. Often people are spending time, money and energy on supplements they don’t need.
An mini-iridology assessment and targeted natural cleansers will enhance your healing time and vitality. The seminar also includes a booklet of literature on various systemic cleansers, and recipes.
[/box-content-with-design]Want to feel rejuvenated? How about a huge toxic dump to release your parasites, sluggishness and extra weight? Become inspired to adopt a yummy and nutritious diet. Think Preventative Insurance for well being. Slim down and revitalize your life! Are you having trouble losing those extra pounds?
An interactive evening with Iridologist & Alternative Nutritional Consultant;18 years practicing; Stephie Cyr.Includes a mini Iridology assessment, healthy recipes and nutrition and general weight loss handouts. Monthly detox workshops are $90/ personal mini Iridology assessment alone is valued at $160! Discover a detailed cleanse for your needs..stones, colon, liver detox, yeast purge and more…
Learn which foods, herbs and supplements can help you lose weight and maintain your slender physique. A great opportunity to begin a healthier lifestyle now.
Group prices are available. Bring 6 or more friend and receive your workshop for half price. Spaces fill quickly so register early to avoid disappointment. Workshop is offered monthly and we offer a $10 credit if you are a repeat guest.
Are you seeking more energy, to detoxify disease, improved absorption and digestion, quick weight loss, and perhaps enhanced mental clarity?
This focus on vitality, juicing, fasts, nutrition & various detoxifications enables you to make informed choices on your cleansing regime. From juicing wheat grass and other powerful cleansers to educating towards a wholesome focus, come and be inspired.
Detoxification done naturally can boost your immune system, absorption, elimination, mental clarity, and vitality while cleansing harmful toxins from the body.
Learn various wholesome ways to cleanse each eliminative organs and much more, while boosting a healthy lifestyle. Get the basics on goods from your kitchen cupboards purging toxins from your blood and supercharge your health.
Stephie Cyr is a certified Preventative Health Care Practitioner with over 17 years experience as an Iridologist, Alternative Nutritionist and Herbalist. She is also a graduate of Massage Therapy from D’arcy Lane, Reiki Master, Reflexologist & an certified Advanced Aromatherapy Instructor with over a decade & a half of teaching experience. Bio is posted to About us on this site.
$90 Includes Iridology Mini Assessment and a Targeted Rejuvenation Plan, Superfood samples and healthy handouts. Bring your appetite and be my guest for diner.
RSVP required with 50% non refundable deposit to secure your placement.
~ Your body, mind, and soul will thank you for these revitalizing insights. ~